At Dr. Ernesto Perez Miami in Miami, FL we offer tooth colored fillings to restore your smile. Our dentists uses composite material for fillings so you get natural looking results. That’s why these modern fillings are so popular, they look and last.

First and foremost tooth colored fillings blend in with your natural teeth. So they are an invisible solution to cavities and minor tooth damage. Plus they bond directly to your tooth structure so you get great support and preserve more of your natural tooth.

When you come to our Miami office we will examine your teeth to see if fillings are needed. Then we will create a treatment plan customized to your specific dental needs and aesthetic goals. Our team uses the latest technology to make the filling process as precise and comfortable as possible.

Getting a tooth colored filling typically takes one visit to our office. First we will remove the decay and clean the area. Then we will apply the composite material in layers, shaping it to match your tooth. Finally we will harden the filling with a special light and polish it for a natural finish.

Tooth colored fillings have many benefits beyond just fixing damaged teeth. For example they require less removal of healthy tooth structure than traditional amalgam fillings. Plus they are mercury free so they are better for your overall health. So they improve both your oral health and your confidence.

When addressing larger cavities or fractured teeth, dental inlays & onlays offer a more substantial restoration than traditional fillings. In situations where tooth loss has occurred, dental implants might be discussed as a permanent solution, with fillings used to maintain the health of surrounding teeth.

At Dr. Ernesto Perez Miami we know that dental procedures can be anxiety producing for some patients. So we prioritize your comfort throughout the entire filling process. Our dentists will explain every step and answer any questions you may have.

Aftercare is key to long term success. So our team will go over post treatment care and maintenance with you. With good oral hygiene habits your tooth colored fillings can last for years to come.

If you have tooth pain or have been told you need a filling don’t wait. Call 305-220-9393 today or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation at our Miami, FL office. Let us fix your smile with our tooth colored fillings.

Don’t wait, address the issue now and prevent bigger problems down the road. So start today by considering tooth colored fillings at Dr. Ernesto Perez Miami. Your future self will thank you.

In summary our team at Dr. Ernesto Perez Miami is dedicated to restorative dentistry. Contact us today to keep your natural looking smile.